Videos about Jon
Why I am seeking re-election to the Kirkland City Council
Learn more about why I am seeking re-election, what I have accomplished, and what work is left to complete.
Why Experience Matters
Hear from local leaders about why they feel Jon has the qualifications and experience necessary to help lead our city.
Testimonials about Jon's Leadership and Accomplishments
Testimonials on how Jon has been an effective leader in helping implement solutions to address issues such as transportation, parks, and public safety.
Jon's Priorities as a City Councilmember
Hear about Jon's main priorities he focuses on as a City Councilmember.
Pascal Family Thoughts on Jon's Campaign for Kirkland City Council
As election day for Kirkland City Council draws near, learn about Jon from those who know him best.
Questions from Jon's Children
Hear how Jon responds to questions from his kids on parks and politics.